Networking, Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Networking, Innovation & Entrepreneurship


Our mission is to foster collaboration, networking, and entrepreneurial ventures within the Healthcare community across the region.

Through a series of networking events and curated access to invaluable resources, we aim to ignite innovation and facilitate pathways to commercial success.

Additionally, we are committed to providing support for engagement opportunities, including access to state-of-the-art Incubator spaces located in highly interconnected environments such as Newcastle Helix, the CAV (NU), and NHC (Tees), with seamless integration into Centers hosted by our six collaborating Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Hub partners.

This work is being led by Prof Vikki Rand (Teesside University) and Prof Boguslaw Obara (Newcastle University).

Supported by: Matthew Lievesley (Northumbria University), Nigel Pearson (University of Sunderland), Sarah Cox, and Shelley Armstrong (Innovation SuperNetwork), Dave Belshaw (Health Innovation-North East North Cumbria), Emma Batey (Northumbria University), Samantha Carr (University of Cumbria), Melanie Thompson-Glen (NICRE), Emma Barron (Teesside University), Michele Dixon (Durham University), Tim Pain (University of Sunderland), and Graeme Young (Newcastle University), Davie Kirk (Newcastle University), Rob Wilson (Northumbria University), and Jennifer Wood (Newcastle University).


Graeme Young

Graeme Young

Emma Batey

Emma Batey

Samantha Carr

Samantha Carr

Emma Barron

Emma Barron

Melanie Thompson-Glen

Melanie Thompson-Glen

Michele Dixon

Michele Dixon

Nigel Pearson

Nigel Pearson

Matthew Lievesley

Matthew Lievesley

Tim Pain

Tim Pain

Boguslaw Obara

Boguslaw Obara

Vikki Rand

Vikki Rand

Sarah Cox

Sarah Cox

Shelley Armstrong

Shelley Armstrong

David Kirk

David Kirk

Jennifer Wood

Jennifer Wood

Rob Wilson

Rob Wilson