Digital Brokerage

Digital Brokerage

On the NortHFutures Hub we will be exploring the design and development of a number of digital tools and platforms to support the connection of key stakeholders within, across and beyond the NENC region.

A number of partner organisations across NENC already have well supported ’Innovation Pathways’ and our work will explore how further digital support might help to connect and bolster the activities of companies, local authorities, NHS Trusts, University researchers and members of the VCSE sector and other innovators.  

Our work may focus for example, on developing brokerage services, which would allow the offering and sharing of skills, services, tools and more amongst the local health tech innovation community. Part of the design process for this will involve active collaboration and dialogue with the community, to better understand what kinds of tools and services best fit regional needs.  

This work is being led by Rob Wilson (Northumbria University) and Dave Kirk (Newcastle University). Supported by: Dave Belshaw (Health Innovation North East and North Cumbria), Rob Anderson and Peter Glick (Newcastle University).


Andrey Solano

Andrey Solano

Dave Belshaw

Dave Belshaw

David Kirk

David Kirk

Peter Glick

Peter Glick

Rob Anderson

Rob Anderson

Rob Wilson

Rob Wilson